Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dessa Jones

Adoption in America

1. www.adoptionhouse.org/domestic-adoption.html

Domestic Adoption Solutions(Adoption House, Inc., is a fully licensed non-profit domestic adoption agency.)

If you’re considering an adoption of a United States-born child, then Adoption House can help. We specialize in domestic adoption for U.S. citizens and will do our best to match loving families with special children they can call their own.

2. www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-02-20-gay-adoption_x.htm

Drives to ban gay adoption

Efforts to ban gays and lesbians from adopting children are emerging across the USA as a second front in the culture wars that began during the 2004 elections over same-sex marriage.

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adoption_in_the_United_States

Adoption in the United States is the legal act of adoption,

The number of children awaiting adoption dropped from 132,000 to 118,000 during the period 2000 to 2004.

The Bottom Line:

Foster and orphan children need loving homes

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