Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Kameil Moore-Fluoride

This was an informal research process for me it consisted of me formulating an idea of what topic would be covered, to then begin my web search for more detailed information. Initially I had a hard time picking a topic but the topic that I chose has been milling around in my mind for some time. The controversy behind fluoride is a very serious issue that many are unaware of. Many Doctors and Dentists alike have fought to have the amount of fluoride changed and or completely removed from municipal drinking water as well as removed from toothpaste. If you have even been able to look at the photos Mr. Garcetti was able to take while in Africa you can definitely see the dramatic impacts of it usage. Recently in many areas there has been an increase in fluoride distributed throughout the water districts. The water districts send out mailers and list the information on their websites regarding what they are doing, yet people are unaware of its detrimental effects. If interested there are websites devoted to getting the truth regarding fluoride distributed to the masses, so that consumers can make more informed decisions about the products and services that they purchase. Originally it was said that a scientist had an overabundance of what was then considered poison, who needed to make money and he began a campaign along with other doctors to inform the masses of its great benefits. What they left out of the research was that it had little or no positive effects on enamel unless mixed with another compound and placed directly on the teeth and removed without swallowing. Ingesting the poison has negeative effects on the body with little or no positive effects on enamel, hence it being placed in tap water and for what.

the resources that I used for this research are www.fluorideaction.org/statement.press.release.html



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